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  • #2235

    Got to the ranch Monday, room 2…time to unpack, something I’m sure every girl here does not enjoy. Got a small room, sometimes it’s nice to be close to the bar. Saw the doctor and enjoyed my last night of good sleep for the week. Staying in paradise till June 6th! Tuesday morning and did a quick work out then got ready for photo shoot with our new photographer. I got play with some old friends and made some new friends. Great first day at work. Jeremy, Dena, Cici and I tried some food off our great new menu today as we discussed blog ideas. Can’t wait to see someone complete our burger challenge! Hoping for a great rest of the week. We have a great group of girls this week!


    Everyone feel free to share your own entry. Ill add when I can. Just for fun 🙂 if you don’t care don’t read it 🙂


    I love this Allissa! All of these new threads are so positive and interactive.

    Let’s see, what did I do today, growled and grumped at someone first thing this morning.. Realized another cup of coffee was in order and then it was a wonderful day.. ( I know… I got it bad)

    Speacailty party with Cici and Allissa involving some olive oil.. Yah! Sooo not what your thinking

    Brainstormed blog ideas with Allissa, Cici, Phoenix, Red Diamonds and Jeremy. Tried food off of the new menu. I did the cordon blu samwich.. It was good.

    Got to chat with some awesome new customers, and lots of funny moments with the girls. All in all a fabulous day.


    What’s the burger challenge? Sounds glutinous….but can’t be worse than that “mystery meat” Logan had the other day, LOL!

    I know, I know, I have been a bit of a stranger around here (sorry)….still haven’t even seen the Playland rooms yet since my last visit. = \

    So I had off on Monday, Memorial Day, 4 day work week this week which is always a plus! Watched 2 zombie movies on the Chiller Channel that night. Tuesday was work, made plans to visit my brother in SC and trying to catch up on the forum here when I can, post, reconnect, yadda ya. Today, work again, ran some errands, paid some bills, went to my last class of hot yoga tonite (thank god!) cuz its just getting too hot and muggy outside to push thru it the entire summer, so I’ll start back in late fall. Always listening to music (hence the music thread) and have been jamming it up with the song Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn.

    Drooled at Allissa’s new pics for the last 45 mins


    Spent all day backwashing my water pik. It was really fun. Spent all evening watching a “Honey Boo-Boo Marathon”. Now I’m suicidal.



    It’s still hard for me to accept what has happened as reality, that a world I had known for so long could be erased in a moment in time. I wouldn’t admit it at first, but this diary has been a great source of strength for me. The 12 of us… is that really all we are is 12? The rest must be voices in my head, or echos of lives imprinted on the fabric of space around me. …the 12 of us remain positive despite all that has happened; we survive one day at a time. Hunting was good this week, and the wells are all still clean. I don’t think they need to drink. I found some wild tobacco yesterday and enjoyed my first smoke in 3 months. Fuck, I needed that. After all the pyres I swore I never wanted to smell smoke again, but that tobacco tasted so sweet… Now if only James can get his still working, it’s so hard to spare fuel these days. Listen to me, booze and smoke, like everything is like it was. Don’t get sappy on me now! We all know that the only way any of us are getting through this is to remain hard. I am a stone.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Pierced.

    I’m trapped inside the Hadron Collider. I’ve been converted to one giant(and isn’t that ironic?)”God Particle. The conversion was very painful. There are somethings man was not meant to know……..


    Boy oh boy, what a fun week! I got to have amazing parties with my partner in crime CiCi. I’m still waiting for us to be able to wear our batman and robin costumes again. Talk about smoking hot dynamic duo! I had to catch up on some sleep today and had some crazy dreams, but well rested for more fun this week. We had an amazing group of girls this week and the house jus seemed to have a great vibe, it always is a treat to be here but when you get the right blend of awesome women, it just makes this place even better. There will be a new group of girls in the house tomorrow so it will be nice to catch up with some friends and I think it will be another great week. My week will end short and I will go home Thursday and enjoy 2 weeks at home, might drive to Phoenix for a few days to visit family, and I hope my new fish is alive. Thanks for a great week and I can truly say I have an awesome job!!!!! Hugs and loves!!!! Xoxoxo

    the burger challenge is a 2lb burger with 12 pieces of cheese, 12 pieces of bacon, and other toppings. Served with a side and a diet coke, funny huh? If you finish everything including the sides and drink the meal is free and you get your name and picture in our hall of fame burger challenge. Seems cool, I still am waiting for someone to go for the challenge!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Allissa.

    Dear Diary, Today i was sitting here,eating cereal in my underwear,when i realized “maybe a bowl would have been a more practical choice”..


    LOL Allissa, when did the house start doing Man vs Food contests?? At least the diet coke’s justified 😉

    I’m gonna pay for Logan’s burger challenge when she gets back…after all that mystery meat in morocco, that burger will throw her taste buds and stomach for a complete 180 lol

    Weekend went too quick and was uneventful. Getting ready to workout. Will report back and see what the rest of the week brings. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by SouthPaw.
    Kimmy D

    Got in early this morning and had the “bunk room” all to myslef, lol. This was my first time in there and I must admit it was more than a little creepy! I got my room this morning though so I am happy to say that I am all unpacked and ready to PARTY as soon as i am cleared in the morning! Woo Hoo! Spend some good qt with my fav other big booty blonde Amber Lynn at the pool today and I can honestly admit that she is #fabulous!
    I have some great ideas planned for this week and I cant wait to see how things unfold. I love it here!


    Went to work earl this morning to find I was a prank victim, had to leave early to get wife to airport for her vacation. driving home in pouring rain and nearly ran into a**hole stopped on turnpike with no lights on at all.. AAggggg… now sitting here trying to finalize plans for my trip to Sheri’s ranch and noticed my boss called and he wants to change my plans again (so can wait to confirm new job and give him my notice)… Now I am horney thinking of all the lovely ladies at Sheri”s (and I have yet to meet any)..


    Dear Diary,
    Why is Olive Garden so good? Why do Vegas people drive so crazy? Will I have an amazing Summer? I just found one of my favorite toys in my closet, what should I get next? Sorry I’m full of questions, feeling curious and a bit deprived, still have another week till I’m back at Sheri’s Ranch!
    aka nugget, little one, peanut, shorty shortcakes, itty bitty


    To me you are not short.


    Dear Diary – I am not telling you anything! (you never could keep a secret).


    Thanks Flint 🙂



    The solstice is coming. We’re not sure if they know, walkers don’t seem to notice much, but we can all tell. The sun sits right on our shoulders all day, trying to beat us down into the dirt. Since the situation went south at our last camp we’ve been on the move for weeks, looking for somewhere we can secure for the summer and wait out these next months that turn this desert into a furnace. I think we found that spot finally, we’re already calling it ‘home’. I found something here I took as a good omen, a sign from my childhood: a Mr. Incredible action figure. I loved Mr. Incredible growing up, in that other world… His super strength, ability to resist harm, and super senses were so appealing to a young boy. We could use a Mr. Incredible right now, in his bright red super suit. Mr. Incredible, where are you? Time to get back to work, this wall isn’t going to build itself.


    This was funny to read! Why not get it going again!

    Dear Diary,

    It’s been awhile but let’s not be strangers anymore! What a great trip I just had! The week really started with a bang 😉 Before “work” actually started, Jane Jupiter, Michelle Lai and myself snuck away for a couple adult beverages to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week.

    My first party of the week made me very happy 🙂 let’s just say 2 fun, hot people + me + Ruby Rae + Body Shots = an amazing, sexy time!

    Melissa Mariposa let me snoop around her room and shoot the latest episode for Sheri’a Cribs. She has so much fun stuff in her room! You could play with just her stuff for hours! Late Saturday Night I captured some of our bar entertainment for a Sheri’s Crib Quickie. Kristina Marie and Kitty Cat played the Juke Box and tipped the sexy Ruby Rose on the pole and Emma was tweeting away. I also got to know Kristina a little better while relaxing in our Jacuzzi outside, this was our first trip working together. She is a beautiful lady!

    A whole month till I can play at Sheri’s (“work”) again! 🙁 What will I do to keep myself entertained? It is the Summer so time for a little vacation at Long Beach! Pool time at the Vegas hotels is always fun and if my future is bright I’ll get to see Deftones and Rise Against!

    Time to hit the gym. Ttyl xoxo

    (Everyone please chime in! Don’t be shy! )


    more entries please!


    What a week! I got my reading in (partially due to a 6 hour delay at the airport, but you fill your time the best you can) and did my workouts and stuck to my new pledge to read one major news source per week. Plus, I figured out how to use some of the new software tools at work so I can do my job better!

    I . . . I feel a poem coming on. (But no singing!)

    They drift from place to place
    Limply dropping their birthright
    for meetings and mission statements
    The anonymous, the faceless, the pallid.

    But no – not I!
    With gnashing teeth and feral eye,
    Then take ideas
    and build them high!

    Better conviction than a whimper
    Better a shout than a sigh.

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