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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 6 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 1696 times
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  • #3664

    What if the lady you have chosen does not respond to emails?
    Do all the ladies respond if they are at the ranch?
    Should I try again?
    I really want to meet a Particular lady.


    We only have access to our emails when we are at the ranch. On top of that we have to share 4 computers with 25 ladies. If she is not currently at the ranch you may expect a response when she returns or if she is there she may be busy and will answer when time permits. Good luck!


    Courtesans must use Sheri’s Ranch computers to access their SR email, and there are limited computers available. The Courtesans must wait their turn in their spare time to respond. The Ladies can only login to SR email while physically at Sheri’s Ranch. Also, the system is down occasionally due to improvements being made. The whole website is being modernized along with the new Forum and Blogs. The Ladies are not ignoring you, since they are doing the best they can with the resources available.

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