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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 2166 times
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  • #504

    I’ve been trying to submit a review of Char on her page. Every time I try, the site says I’ve already rated her and I should try again tomorrow. I’ve even visited the pages of other ladies I’ve never even seen and get the same message. Is this a bug in the site or am I doing something incorrectly?


    wrdnrd, I’ve experienced this same problem. There’s a two day delay incorporated into Sheri’s system so multiple reviews can’t be posted to the same lady on the same day to curtail malicious posting. However, sometimes their system detects erroneously that reviews have already been posted from your computer identifiers. You might try accessing “Internet Options” from your Internet Explorer open webpage by clicking the “Tools” menu then click “Internet Options” and from the “Internet Properties” “General” page “Delete” your browsing History and Cookies or you can access this from your computer’s “Control Panel.” In addition, you can try turning off your Internet Modem’s power and rebooting it after a few minutes. Also I use “CCleaner” utilities software program obtained free from “download.com” to clean my system regularly of cookies, history, temporary files, etcetera: http://download.cnet.com/CCleaner/3000-18512_4-10315544.html?tag=mncol;1


    wrdnrd, If this problem is still unresolved after attempting to rectify it, you might notify Aaron Paul by posting to Technical Support.
    Also, Technical Support has stated in their post… “If you have any issues with the new forum system or if the system is not working properly, please feel free to contact us at: info@sherisranch.com


    Thanks, tried your suggestion and it didn’t work. I emailed tech support but haven’t heard anything. Guess I’ll have to forward the review and have someone else post it for me. Count me among the many of Char’s adoring fans.


    Awwwww, thanks guys! I’m still trying to figure out this new system, too. Argh!!!!


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