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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 27600 times
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  • #25664

    LPIN 2020 Awards Voter Registration opened 7/1/20 & closes 12/31/20

    Please register to vote in the LPIN 2020 Awards contest to support your favorite Courtesans and Brothels!

    10 LPIN 2019 Awards registered voters were purged for not casting ballots for 2 years, so they must reregister to vote in LPIN 2020 Awards. Registered Voters must register on the LPIN Awards Board, and they’ll maintain board membership while they’re registered to vote regardless of whether they regularly login. LPIN Awards board members who are not registered voters will be purged if they fail to login for one year, since it clears the board of inactive members; furthermore, board members who have been purged for inactivity that desire to register to vote must reregister on the board. Brothel Personnel board members will maintain board membership during the time they’re active in LPIN.

    LPIN 2020 Awards Voter Registration Announcement Link

    Official Registered Voters List for LPIN 2020 Awards Link

    Official Rules for LPIN 2020 Awards Link

    Thank you!
    LPIN Awards Committee,
    1Bytetoomany, DJ Jorge, firefighter, FumbleNutts, Lee, Little Richard & MrTShirt


    The LPIN Awards committee has approved ATF COY (All Time Favorite Courtesan of the Year) for the LPIN 2020 Awards contest.

    The ATF COY Award is desired to commemorate the Silver Anniversary and highlight the 25 year COY Winner history.

    No rule change is necessary as respects the other award categories, since it’s simply an addition of ATF COY to the contest.

    It’s not required for a Lady to be currently active in LPIN or employed in the brothel business.

    All 23 COY Winners are eligible for ATF COY nomination.

    Please register to vote in LPIN 2020 Awards if you’re not already on the Official Registered Voters List for LPIN 2020 Awards.

    LPIN Awards Committee,
    1Bytetoomany, DJ Jorge, firefighter, FumbleNutts, Lee, Little Richard & MrTShirt

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