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  • #2274

    It’s difficult to discern a girls persona from the brief descriptions they give of themselves. I am looking for a girl that shows a bit more passion or drive than most. I also prefer a girl that’s around 5′ 7″ or so. I have reviewed the girls and some that popped out at me are Brandy Lynn, CiCi, Hailey Ann, Kaycee Rivers, and Staci-Niccole. Am I on the right track? Any other suggestions? Am I even going about this in the right manner?


    Best way(without actually making a visit to the Ranch)is to begin an e-mail conversation with the ladies that attract you most through their profile page. They are really open and will gladly answer your questions. After all, they want this to be a good experience for you.


    yep… make contact with these ladies thru e-mail (look for the “send an email” link on their profile) let the ladies know what you want and ask them for more information about themselves… you will be surprised how much they are willing to relieve.. I know I am and how much I think I know my choice and we have yet to meet in person.


    You’re reviewing Ladies in the “All Ladies” section, and some of them haven’t appeared at SR in years. I’ve been visiting SR since 2008 and I’ve never seen Hailey Ann, Kaycee Rivers or Staci-Niccole.

    You must check the Weekly Lineup from the drop down Ladies tab for the Courtesans currently at SR. http://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx

    Also, from the Ladies tab check the “Scheduled Ladies” for Courtesans appearing within the next two months. When you pull up the individual Lady’s Official page by clicking on her thumbnail photo, check her schedule. http://www.sherisranch.com/comingsoon.aspx

    The taller Ladies who will be appearing at SR in the near future with the passionate quality you desire are Phoenix, Tatyana, Ashlee, Amber Lynn, Olivia, Logan, Angelica, Fabienne, Tiffany Hilton, Amy, Michelle, Char, Eva, Suzanne, Kat, Sara, Emma, Shiloh Renae and you mentioned CiCi. Brandy Lynn is not currently scheduled but appears infrequently. You must really chat with the Ladies to find the Courtesan who strikes your fancy. You may make a connection or instill romantic chemistry with one or more of these gorgeous women and they would be the potentially more passionate Ladies for your erotic desires.

    Also, during your discussion in the Sports Bar be candid and tell them what you expect from a party; that is, do you want a GFE (girlfriend experience), kissing, fellatio or cunnilingus oral sex, intercourse and etcetera. Some of the Courtesans don’t kiss since herpes, hepatitis and tuberculosis can be transmitted through saliva. Also, condoms are required and if a Lady consents to cunnilingus a dental dam must be used.


    Thank you all. I realized some of this after posting. I thank you for the list of upcoming ladies that match my criteria. It will make my search easier. I have already messaged one woman and will be talking to more shortly.


    You can also find a lot of the ladies on Twitter, I made a post here somewhere with all their twitter accounts. You’d be surprised how well you can get to know someone 140 characters at a time. 🙂


    Cici and Brandy Lynn are the only ones from your list that work currently. They are both amazing witty women. You cut me out with the 5’7 requirement …. If you don’t mind short women feel free to email me.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Allissa.
    Charina Lee

    Short girls ROCK it! LOL. I’m 5’4″, but my legs are long. Add my six inch sexy heels and I just realized I’m almost 6 feet tall! If you put me and Allissa together, that would make us very tall!


    Quote of the day:
    When a Lady is lying naked on a bed, height is irrelevant! As long as lovers can accomplish intercourse and press their lips together simultaneously that’s all that matters! ~ FF


    Height is fine if you plan on dancing or long walks arm in arm, but if you are interested in partying then is height really an issue?


    Short girls are fine by me. it is also about absolute size.


    Personally I have been with Tall ladies and short Ladies… Skinny ladies and ladies with some extra padding, personally for me Really Large women just turn me off.

    Charina Lee

    Well gents, I’ve been called a winner,
    But most refer to me as a spinner!!!!
    So whether your experienced,
    or just a beginner…..
    You can have fun with Charina,
    without taking me out to dinner!!!!


    Hugs, Charina Lee

    Amber Lynn

    I am a firm beliver that personality is key! However, I would advise being a bt more lenient on the height requirement. Perhaps if the lady you choose is o a shorter stature request that she keeps her heels on during the party. I personally think there is nothing sexier then playing in a sexy pair of heels.

    As for the ladies that are currently here, refer to the weekly line up and/or scheduled ladies to narrow down your search. Once you have made your decision from there email the ladies erectly to gget to know them better. Also remember that you always have the option of chatting with all of us amazing ladies in the bar face to face!

    All of us ladies are fabulous in our own right! Have fun when you vsit, hopefully we will have the opportunity to chat!

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