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Who is Searching for a Prostitute Online

Ever wonder who is searching online for a legal sex worker? Posted here is a revealing infographic summarizing the characteristics and demographic information of people visiting our website in 2018. The graphic shows the age and sex of individuals curious about seeing a prostitute and discloses the top countries and U.S. states where Sheri’s online visitors view our website from, as well as the most commonly searched keyword phrases.

In 2018, 74% of Sheri’s online visitors were male and 26% were female. In 2017 the male/female visitor ratio was 79% to 21%, indicating a significant shift in the number of women interested in seeing a prostitute. This is no surprise, as we’ve previously disclosed that we’ve had an increasing number of women and male/female couples visit Sheri’s Ranch for a variety of sexual services.

While the gap between men and women searching for sex workers is beginning to close, men are still more interested than women when it comes to paying for sex, and our data reveals that men age 45-54 are more curious about seeing a prostitute than any other age group. So, if you fit into this age range, and you’re reading this on our website, you’re not alone…

While the majority of Sheri’s online visitors hail from the United States, the brothel’s close proximity to Las Vegas makes Sheri’s Ranch an international destination, with people from the United Kingdom and Japan making up nearly 20% of Sheri’s online visitors.

Unsurprisingly, high U.S. population centers like California, New York, and Texas send throngs of libidinous visitors to the Sheri’s Ranch website, but also high on the list is Washington D.C., with the nation’s capital driving over 4% of the brothel’s online users. It’s a long running stereotype that people in positions of power, for one reason or another, have a relatively high sex drive. It looks like there may be some truth to that stereotype, when one takes into consideration the large concentration of our nation’s leaders that may be in that region of the United States at any given time.

The infographic reveals that some version of “lose virginity to prostitute” is among the top keyword phrases searched on the brothel’s website, hinting at a large number of adult virgins seeking to be deflowered by a professional sex worker. This certainly falls inline with the customers we see walking though the brothel’s doors every day, as Sheri’s Ranch is the de-virginizing capital of the planet. View the full infographic below…


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