Kudos to you! SpankyJ,
If you decide to take the diet to the next level, I recommend a book called “Built for Sex” by Scott Hays. The book not only covers workouts but also nutrition (evidently some foods make you stinky to the fairer sex) and even has a chapter that makes a good case for stretching. 15 minutes a day of stretching can do more for your performance than most workouts.
Sheri’s has also given me incentive to be a better man. About a year and a half ago I gave up eating out for lunch and dinner every day in order to save up money for a trip. My beagle “General Patton” even decided to chip in by vowing to cut his sock consumption in half in order to save a few extra bucks a week.
I was planning to get out to Sheri’s last June for my 37th, but at the last minute I started to date a girl that I was really into. This past December, I was ready to book all of my travel arrangements but I chickened out.
Last week, I decided to move a large chunk of the fund to my IRA (I haven’t given up on my Sheri’s fantasy, but the account was just too big to sit in a general savings account making 2 cents a month interest).
So as you can see, Char is the BEST Financial Planner I’ve ever had.
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Jamey.