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Sheri’s Ranch “Sexplained”

My lovely coworker Max Dream and I were given the opportunity to open the bordello doors to Dr. Lindsay Doe of YouTube’s “Sexplanations” web series to give her and her followers a glimpse into what life is like here at Sheri’s Ranch.

If you’re unfamiliar with Dr. Doe’s work, she is a highly entertaining YouTuber who dedicates her channel to all manner of sex-positive sex education (and the occasional puppy picture!). When she arrived at Sheri’s eager to learn more about us and our business, we were more than happy to show her around.

Starting with the standard tour of our parlor and specialty rooms (free to anyone who enters our double doors with a bit of curiousity), we then moved on to parts of the ranch not usually seen by the public, unless they are lucky enough to be escorted there by a companion while here at the ranch.

To get a glimpse of this tour, and hear exactly what Max and I have to say about negotiating, brothel life, and the business of pleasure, check out the video below!

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