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Escorts on Twitter

Escorts on Twitter

For several years, escorts and other types of sex workers have been using Twitter to advertise their services, and the legal prostitutes of Nevada are no exception. Courtesans working in legal brothels like Sheri’s Ranch can be found tweeting titillating tidbits about...
All Porn Stars Are Prostitutes

All Porn Stars Are Prostitutes

Dear porn industry, Stop looking down on adult video performers who work as legal prostitutes! Every girl in the industry does it, so why scorn porn stars who do it legally? Let’s face it. Everyone in the adult business has a passion for sex. We all want to be...
Should I Hire a Las Vegas Escort?

Should I Hire a Las Vegas Escort?

As a proud resident of sin city and an adult entertainment professional, I often find myself caught in a discussion about whether it’s better for a gentleman to illegally hire a Las Vegas prostitute or to journey to a brothel on the outskirts of the city and partake...
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