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  • This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by Anonymous. This post has been viewed 3003 times
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  • #4608

    firstly I want too thank the girls for showing me a good time I have no regrets now on to the mater at hand.
    I want to thank Emma for making me feel like a piece of shit, My time at the ranch has been good and bad as I have had 3 days to digest thing so here is what I have to say firstly I dont know how you guys can go there secondly they misrepresent them selves they donot try to meet you budget here is what I have to say 1 I came at least 19 hours to meet the girls I only had a small budget as the Australian dollar is only .86origanal budget of cents to the US which meant my original budget would be a lot less because 1 I lose on conversion with my card 2 I have a fee and then I have cash for tip`s and food.
    so over all I thin i will not be going back next year because it would be a wast of my time and there`s


    September 4, 2013 post: “I had a grate time
    Hi every one I have just gotten back fr om my trip and you know what you guys were right so a big thank you to all the girls special thanks go to Amber, Emma and Dana I had a the best time I will say this I made the right decision.

    Your September 4, 2013 post above entitled, “I had a grate time,” indicates you had a wonderful time. Now this September 7, 2013 post contradicts what you previously stated. Why the change of heart? Apparently you made new friendships and the parties were great, so were there some after thoughts you had that upset you?

    In reply to this September 7, 2013 post, I’m sorry your expenses were more than you anticipated because of the foreign currency exchange but Sheri’s Ranch played no part in that dilemma. Sheri’s Ranch and their Courtesans were powerless to make up for those losses. I’m sure they did everything within their control to assist with your unexpected budget problems but they can’t work miracles. They can only negotiate to a reasonable extent since they are in business and have certain responsibilities. After all the currency exchange couldn’t allow you more than the current rate either and they were at the crux of the problem.

    It appears you had a misconception concerning brothel party costs. Sheri’s Ranch Courtesans will work with your budget within reasonable limits but they are in the LPIN business and must make a decent living. First off it’s always appropriate to treat your Courtesan in a respectful manner as you would any Lady while discussing your desires and it’s helpful to engage in polite flirting during your conversation to make a connection. You probably should have discussed house minimums with either the Hostess or Dena for a starting point. Courtesans split party proceeds 50/50 with the house which is advantageous to both client and Lady, since you’re in a secure, private, plush location and STD free environment. In addition, Sheri’s Ranch has a peak time Courtesan selection of 27 Ladies.

    I have negotiated over 75 parties very reasonably and never failed to find my extraordinary Lover for the day. If a client wants a full GFE including light kissing, condom covered blowjob, dental dam DATY and protected sex (intercourse) then the cost may increase slightly over a simple handjob, CBJ or intercourse. If you were anticipating negotiating a Bungalow Party which carry specific house minimums and more costly since the duration is usually 2 hours and a nice full course dinner, alcoholic and regular drinks, jetted bubble bath, shower, king size bed, plus other amenities and private bungalow suite are included.

    I don’t know what you requested and negotiated, but if a client isn’t satisfied with negotiations it’s appropriate to politely thank your Courtesan and ask to return to the bar. In the bar a client may ask the Hostess or Dena to talk with other Ladies until he finds a Courtesan where a connection is made or romantic chemistry blossoms. If you are inept concerning negotiations ask the Hostess or Dena for advice. It may be that you didn’t make a connection with Emma out of no fault of either of you. However, it’s not proper brothel etiquette and certainly not chivalrous to criticize a Lady on the open forum since personal problems should be discussed privately with the Courtesan and Hostess or Dena. Always treat your Courtesan in a courteous manner as you would any special girlfriend. It’s imperative to never raise your voice displaying displeasure or anger over negotiations since you are there to make Love… NOT fight.

    I have never had problems negotiating with Sheri’s Ladies but occasionally that certain romantic spark doesn’t materialize so it’s time to move on to another Courtesan. I have failed to negotiate on rare occasions; however, I merely select another Courtesan for romantic adventure discussions. Remember, there are a minimum of 20 Courtesans on duty even between tour changes of current weekly appearing and future scheduled Courtesans. A client can’t become an expert on LPIN, Brothels and Courtesan negotiations in one visit, so chalk it up to experience and try again next time.


    Hi every one I have just gotten back fr om my trip and you know what you guys were right so a big thank you to all the girls special thanks go to Amber, Emma and Dana I had a the best time I will say this I made the right decision.

    firstly I want too thank the girls for showing me a good time I have no regrets now on to the mater at hand.
    I want to thank Emma for making me feel like a piece of shit, My time at the ranch has been good and bad as I have had 3 days to digest thing so here is what I have to say firstly I dont know how you guys can go there secondly they misrepresent them selves they donot try to meet you budget here is what I have to say 1 I came at least 19 hours to meet the girls I only had a small budget as the Australian dollar is only .86origanal budget of cents to the US which meant my original budget would be a lot less because 1 I lose on conversion with my card 2 I have a fee and then I have cash for tip`s and food.
    so over all I thin i will not be going back next year because it would be a wast of my time and there`s


    Predicated on your posts I’m happy and sad for you. It was nice knowing the both of you.

    My Best,



    sorry to hear that


    how am I to know what proper manner as I am a visitor to you country and were I am from things are different you people asked for my opinion and I gave it yes I had a good with wild Wednesday and I take responsibility for saying that but I has a few days to think about it might be all right for you as you know the rules I dont and I am sorry FF you feel that way I what else was I to do there was nobody here on the forums to help me out I will have to put it am still down to a mistake thank you for you invaluable input I do not want to hear from any one ever again I am still unhappy so what should I have done and how can I know what is right or wrong when I dont know the rules.


    how am I to know what proper manner as I am a visitor to you country and were I am from things are different

    I certainly understand the cultural differences being from a different country here is you have my sympathy and understanding. However, even if you are from another planet courtesy, consistency and gentlemanly behavior are pretty much universal principals. I wasn’t there when you were nor privy to the details of your adventure but if your posture is significantly similar then as it has been in this thread….well I’ll let y’all fill in the blanks.

    asked for my opinion and I gave it yes I had a good with wild Wednesday and I take responsibility for saying that but I has a few days to think about it

    Yes… boldly, viscerally and in extreme polarities. Again I can’t help but wonder if these severe, vehement and contrary opinion(s)/posts provide some insight to what happened and why. Again this is simple postulation.

    To FF’s point, and possibly to yours, there is a learning curve to the hobby and being a neophyte flying solo this may have added to your dysfunction. Had you come to the LPIN venue 10 years ago you would have had A LOT more assistance from the consumer side of the equation. In recent years the business has changed and the resources that once were are no more. So on this issue I have compassion for your cause.

    Mr. Gudgeon If I recall correctly you revealed yourself to hail from Austrailia???

    Is this correct???

    More to offer pending your response.

    My Best,



    Yes I am and things are so different one of the girls I see has become a very dear friend and we share some very interment moments

    Amber Lynn

    Robert it was a pleasure meeting you…all of us sexy gals were so excited that you joined us for Playfully Perverse Pictionary! You know deep down inside that you have so much fun with all of us…how could not drawing naughty erotic pictures with a house full of gorgeous women! And I know first hand that Emma is pretty fabulous, especially behind closed doors…you are quite a lucky man!


    I just wish it was so but it wasnt

    Amber Lynn

    So didn’t have fun playing pictionary?


    I had fun playing wild Wednesday and that is all meeting you and some of the other girls will stick in my memory for a long long time


    HOLY SHIT…This is one of the funniest threads ever!!!
    I love it how the title is “This will be my last post”…and then he posts 3 or 4 follow ups. Oh, the irony!
    I enjoy his well crafted and thought out prose. So eloquent, and so without punctuation.
    It’s brilliant how he puts a “plus” at the beginning of a rant, and then finishes with a “minus”, so that in the end it makes “zero” sense. Comedic genius! LOL

    Hmmm, I always thought that they spoke English in Australia…but Mr. Gudgeon uses words that I recognize as English, and yet when strung together as he does, seem to have vastly different meanings. I mean he can’t possibly have intended to say that he had a “grate” time with Emma, and then that she made him “feel like a piece of shit”…I’m missing something there, right? Ah, that wacky robert gudgeon, he’ll just say anything won’t he?!

    Thanks for the laughs!

    Wait, what?! You mean that WASN”T a comedy bit? Eeeewwwww 🙁


    This truly crappy software, or the horrific execution of same, has locked me out once again. For a venue that supposedly designed to enhance dialogue and increase interest this new board is completely antithetical to this end.

    I’m out!!!


    I still prefer the previous software used for the fora. As to what this thread really mean I have no idea.


    Do they not have punctuation in your country? Sheesh…

    I don’t know the details, nor do I care to, but you sound like a whiny bitch. Just calling it as I see it.

    I don’t cater to drama or bullshit, and if I you think I’m being rude I probably am.


    We need to hook this dude up with that crazy chick from a few months ago who thought all the ladies were damned for practicing their profession of choice. They would make a perfect pair. They could have sex with each other and then have a Guilt-A-Palooza. Sheeesh!!!!


    thank you all for you you nice words, I know my spelling is not very good or grammar is not very good as well, I lost a lot of schooling so thank you for been so understanding you Yanks are so nice.
    you are the reason I do not post a lot


    After the brothel party is concluded and the sexual experience is over, men sometimes have second thoughts concerning the cost. Guys willingly pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for sex when they have that insatiably passionate urge for intercourse; however, after they climax, men sometimes regret spending the money. It’s similar to buyer’s remorse when making substantial purchases such as a television, computer, or etcetera and there’s a similar feeling when paying considerable amounts of money for sex. You really enjoyed yourself while you were in the company of the Ladies, so don’t ruin those fantastic breathtaking feelings by having monetary regrets now. Life is short and money is earned to enable us to provide ourselves with necessities, tangible possessions, pleasure, social experiences and fond memories among other things. Remember, what Sheri’s Courtesans gave you was precious, their beautiful bodies, friendship, companionship and erotic lovemaking expertise which are invaluable for men in need of female relationships. You shouldn’t be sorry about your time at Sheri’s Ranch, you should be thankful that you have met new friends and lovers who bestowed upon you numerous orgasms. Don’t be a pessimist throughout life, since you’ll be much happier having an optimistic and grateful point of view and it’s less stressful too. John Wayne often said never apologize or regret since it’s a sign of weakness and it won’t change a damn thing.

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