Since the 1970’s, brothels have been operating legally in certain rural areas of Nevada. But exactly how much sexual activity occurs in a Nevada brothel on an annual basis and what types of sex acts do customers most often request when they visit a licensed Nevada sex worker?
These questions piqued the curiosity of Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel near Las Vegas. Using information gleaned from a 2017 review of client bookings and a poll of over 100 sex workers, the brothel discovered that 134 licensed prostitutes participated in 3,641,837 minutes of paid intimate services. This equates to nearly 7 years’ worth of sexual activity that took place in the brothel in 2017, with each sex worker averaging a total of 19 days spent being intimate with clientele annually — and that number only includes time spent in actual paid sessions, not time spent carousing at the brothel’s sports bar, dining with a client at the restaurant, or any activity other than prostitution services.
Additionally, the review revealed the overall gender demographics of brothel customers. In 2017, 78% of customers were men, 7% were women, and 15% were couples.
For more on the brothel’s discoveries, including the most popular activities requested by customers, the kinkiest services performed by prostitutes, and the surprising percentage of STD’s resulting from all of this naughty fun, please refer to the below graphic summary.
Very interesting blog there. Some of the numbers were surprising that is a lot of time.
Very interesting. I crunched the numbers a little bit. Over the course of the year 2017 there were 3,641,837 minutes of sexual activities at Sheri’s. If you divide that by 365 days, that means 9,977 of sex minutes per day. Divide that by 24 hours, that means 415 minutes of sex activities per hour. Divide that by 60 minutes, that means, at any particular hour that you may walk into Sheri’s, there are on average 7 sex parties going on at the time.
Another way to crunch the numbers. Take the 3,641,837 minutes of sex activities in 2017, divide by 60, that’s 60,697 hours of sex at Sheri’s in 2017. Divide that by 365, that means on any particular day, on average, there are 166 hours of sex at Sheri’s. I believe Sheri’s can have up to 24 ladies working at a time. So if you assume they always have 24 ladies there, that means each lady averages 7 hours a day in a booked party with a client, and I assume most of that time having sex.
Some assumptions in the above numbers so they most probably are not exactly right, but they give you a basic idea about how much sex is going on at Sheri’s. Wow!