Forum Replies Created
April 15, 2017 at 3:49 pm #20476
ParticipantHey Flint,
You’ve been around awhile you probably remember the somewhat sudden yet prolonged decline.
It began with the beginning of this particular incarnation of the forum. The prior board ( Version 3.0?) was probably the most active board of all the house LPIN boards and certainly in the top 5 of all the boards combined ( house and emancipated included.) at the time. When TPTB decided to change over (Upgrade…??) well let’s just say they didn’t have a comprehensive understanding of the undertaking. As a result they lost a significant number of players due to compatibility issues and the inability to migrate users.
I don’t remember the precise timing but it has been quite a long time.
As I look at the current boards I look with my mouth agape recalling the golden years of LPIN. When I look at the board and see the thread freshness ratings measured in days and weeks I am gobsmacked, I can remember them being measured in minutes and hours. The ladies were quite active with many of the ladies being very active and some making a very good living with their participation and well placed CSM efforts. I have had the pleasure of knowing a few of them beyond the walls of the house(s). I had been told repeatedly, during my longstanding and in the eyes of some distinguished presence and tenure on the boards and in the hobby, having developed a level of trust and body of experience combined with honest, forthright yet respectful reviews had in particular provided abundantly. One of them I’ll call “L” told me her first three bungalows were due to my referral or review and one of those callers became a long term client….in player parlance…. a whale. She kept him so happy for so long Jonah would have been proud.
The economy went south circa 2007 (some contend it was felt as early as 2005) this also took a toll on the industry statewide. After this particular point in time the ranch was actually put up for sale but I believe that concluded without a transaction. I am certain this had an impact on the site as well.
There were other issues of concern that made an impact in which I could wax philosophic but I’ll spare ya’ll the prosaic banter.
My Best To All,
Bret Maverick
April 12, 2017 at 1:52 pm #20473Maverick
ParticipantDear Ms. Empire,
Trust me the forum died long ago for a variety of reasons, long before the aformentioned calculus/paradigm, perhaps the wi-fi angle was simply the coupe de maitre.
My Best,
September 14, 2016 at 3:17 pm #19549Maverick
LPIN is a cottage industry exclusive to Nevada and not a part of the mainstream even as Nevada standards go IMO. As much as we as a society extol the virtues of diversity, tolerance and freedom the unfortunate truth is we still live in a puritanical society, sometimes suppressed other times not. As a result the player(s) in this venue are subject to scorn, repudiation and eschew. Chances are Sheris ranch hotels are not on the radar for the very mainstream enterprises you cite and yes you probably scared the starch out of someone with limited capacities. Which is why you did not receive a reply. As far as your arrangements for Vegas these services should provide well.
My advise is deal with your ranch accommodations directly with the ranch. Whatever the cost I think it will work best. Besides in this venue I don’t think there are abatements to be had.
Good Luck.
My Best,
August 22, 2016 at 2:14 pm #19362Maverick
Thanks for the warm welcome. its always great to drop by “home” every once and a while in between the typical rigours of life. I am not as lucubrate as I once was for a myriad of reasons yet its always good to drop by now and then.
As far as outdates go ( and I don’t know who’s listening in here) if change is truly desired by a serious percentage of the effected players now maybe the time to act. In recent years with the industry undergoing such a metamorphosis, as many others have, and with some of the major players no longer in the game, perhaps it may be given deeper consideration.
All change is difficult and political change is about as difficult as it gets but you never know until you try. Its a Nye county issue so its up to them. Aside from certain brothel owners defending their fiefedoms I don’t understand why Nye would want to discount this option as Lyon County has been doing it for years with presumably great success. Sometimes just bucking tradition can scuttle a good idea.
My Best,
August 18, 2016 at 3:19 pm #19324Maverick
ParticipantAs to the outdate issue you can thank Mac Moore, former principal of Angel’s ladies, for the lack of outdate opportunities. Legend has it, for some unknown reason he was against it, and as a result Nye county declined to adopt this detail.
This supposedly happened many years ago, change is possible but sometimes it takes a lot.
My Best,
May 17, 2016 at 4:00 pm #18674Maverick
ParticipantHey ‘tanna,
Yeah its a different board altogether and a different time. I sometimes yearn for the old days but alas its not to be.
“Kelly Fares” yeah you know the shot….that’s a term many people wouldn’t get immediately.
Possessing a comprehensive history of LPIN next time we meet up I can tell you how all this mess started many decades ago and who, in particular is still responsible for it all after all these years.
This business in some sectors still lives in the tangled web that it was birthed in so many years ago, it is unique in and of itself.
Hope all is well with you and yours in Big Sky Country.
Kisses and licks in all the right places,
May 17, 2016 at 3:47 pm #18673Maverick
ParticipantWell first I want to say hello to Mr. Maverick. Damn, didn’t know you still hung out here. How are you? CB here. It has been quite a while since we chatted. It sure was fun back when we were regulars on here.
Hey CB,
Nice to see you around too. Yeah I’m still around a bit but not as much as in the past at all. Doing OK but my life has changed greatly, mostly for the better, and it has blown me different directions. I only chime in when I have something relevant to offer anymore. During the golden age, to which you were referring, was a great time, then you could find most of the threads and replies measured in hours and minutes instead of hours, days and weeks..Yikes!! It is a different world altogether!
I agree the rental fees in LV are very good ( I don’t think the cheapest, at least all the time but damn close.).
The consolidated car rental facility is great. I remember the old days when you had to trip around the airport and find your agency…a lot like Where’s Waldo?
Being the consolidated facility is just a stones throw from the strip it is positioned well for us and I do love the drive ” over the hump” to Pahrump.
Hope things are well with you and yours!
Smoke’em if ya got’em cowboy!!
My Best,
May 13, 2016 at 2:40 pm #18593Maverick
ParticipantOh how I love these limo threads….the true Maverick in me gets to shine through….Here comes the firebrand.
Jeremy my friend we are about to dance.
I’ve been reading posts from people on this forum about Sheri’s car service for a few years now. A couple of forum users sometimes demonstrate that they have inside information by disclosing what they may have heard about how revenue is distributed between drivers, the house, and the courtesans. Often their posts state that a sex party resulting from Sheri’s car service will cost more because less revenue is apparently dispersed to the courtesan, so the lady will upcharge customers using our car service in order to make up the difference.
They are correct Jeremy if the time honored calculus has not changed since my last pass the limo cut comes off the top before the split so less is dispersed to the lady. In some cases, which can vary from house to house, the transports are/can actually be owned by the house as well so its really double dipping. These ladies are very wise and know the shot when a limo customer is in the house. These ladies are business people first and foremost if anything they know the math.
As far as costs: Sheri’s Ranch has never officially disclosed any revenue distribution information regarding our complimentary transportation services.
Another time honored tradition in LPIN, this is one detail about the hobby I do not appreciate…never have….the limo slight of hand trick. Its an act of subterfuge, industry wide, full disclosure is not an option for any house.
The fact is that the service is free of charge and tips to the drivers are appreciated.
My young squire it maybe complimentary but it is by no means free 😉
BTW, Warren is awesome…a great guy…hope he’s still around.
2. Secondly, the women of Sheri’s Ranch would never “overcharge” one of their customers for any reason. These ladies are the best erotic companions in the business and they are not desperately trying to squeeze every dime from their customers. They are in demand, they are fabulous, and they are worth every penny – every time. It is an insult to these ladies to suggest that they need to unnecessarily upsell anyone who uses Sheri’s car service. Even if there were a revenue distribution model, these are customers that very often wouldn’t show up if it wasn’t for our car service, and the ladies know it. Also, the best customer is a repeat customer. Our ladies know that everyone has more to gain by playing the long game. They treat every customer fairly and show every customer the time of his (or her) life.
Looking at the ladies in the pejorative when the limo burden is placed upon them is not right so I do agree the ladies in the larger context do not overcharge or upsell, however,as I said earlier in this post these ladies are wise they know the math. This is what makes the limo detail of LPIN even more hideous IMO the ladies take the brunt of the onus.
Even if there were a revenue distribution model, these are customers that very often wouldn’t show up if it wasn’t for our car service, and the ladies know it.
Here is where we have some agreement, there are some clients who need or choose to use the limo service….sometimes even when they know the stratagem. In my many years of mentoring on the various boards I have advised many on what to expect should they choose the complimentary transport option yet some still choose the option knowing fully the cost extensions. That’s fine by me what burns some of the LPIN habitue’ is the lack of disclosure.
3. The insinuation is that our car service is some sort of hustle, and that “people in the know” would never use the service. This is ludicrous. Many gentlemen, ladies, and couples who have been friends of Sheri’s for years use our car service every time they’re in town, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jeremy, let’s be clear, I’m not insinuating anything….I’m making a full declaration. The lack of disclosure to the client as to the algebraic nature of the pecuniary calculations is in fact a hustle. Its simple if your going to divide a pie three ways instead of two some are going to be looking for or needing a bigger pie….simple. Your right its not “our” meaning Sheri’s car service, this is an industry standard,sometimes applied with custom variants.
We understand that our complimentary car service may not be a necessary amenity for every Sheri’s customer, but let’s not continue to make insinuations based on a narrow perspective of the value of the services we offer.
Agreed, for the right customer the limo has great value.
The bottom line is that a lot of our customers sincerely appreciate the fact that we provide a safe, discreet, easy, and cost-free way for them to get from the Las Vegas area to the most celebrated sex destination on the planet.
Agreed, this fact alone validates the need for the existence of host transport structure. The lack of disclosure or promulgation is the egregious issue.
I must be clear this is not just Sheri’s this is something that exists in most/all house in most all territories. So do not make the mistake of thinking I am rapping on Sheri’s…I am not…I am rapping on an odious LPIN standard.
My Best To All,
Bret Maverick
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
April 9, 2016 at 12:01 pm #18174Maverick
Participant“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have,and the decisions we waited too long to make.”
― Lewis Carroll
To paraphrase your sentiment and I agree wholly its the chances and risks we don’t take in life that are typically the most regrettable.
I’d love to catch up with you sometime but I won’t be around in June and I am not a local (over the years many have assumed I was for some reason.) As I may have mentioned in the past I have embarked on new horizons and formidable challenges. I am in the final throes of surmounting a very large achievement which is going to keep me away a little longer than anticipated.
Always remember 007 there is no time like the present and live everyday like its your last for nobody really knows if it truly might be.
Keep moving forward, your chin up and some sunshine on your face.
Perhaps in time our paths will cross.
My Best,
March 24, 2016 at 3:21 pm #17827Maverick
ParticipantThanks Flint. Always good to see “Our Man” out serving the greater good.
Keep up the good work!!
My Best,
March 24, 2016 at 3:14 pm #17825Maverick
ParticipantOK guys…not a comic book fan but a longtime brothel dog….. the subject line “DC heroine” peaked my interest in this thread……until I read it and figured out it had nothing to do with LPIN.
I’m sure most of you know what DC means in brothel speak……….God I’m old!!!!
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
March 23, 2016 at 10:42 am #17806Maverick
ParticipantMaverick, it’s good to see you again sir. Thank you again for lending your assistance on my newbie thread years ago.
Good to see you as well my friend, I hope things are well with you and yours. “Years ago”….yeah those years are piling up too!!! How they breeze by! I am always gratified to hear of how my altruistic efforts furthered the experiences of others….thank you for the kind recitation.
And more to the point I’m glad to see you here “paying it forward” so to speak. I always provided the best counsel possible without contingency. However my greatest hopes were that those in receipt of this gift would in turn do the same for others. In that one saw the value of what they received from me inspired them to do the same is one of the best silent compliments one can receive.
Its good to see you and a few others here whom I guided and advised in those aforementioned years.
Now being largely absent it appears those efforts were wisely placed and hopes well founded.
Thanks for helping those who have come after us.
Well played 007 well played.
My Best,
March 18, 2016 at 2:46 pm #17707Maverick
A very well versed and full throated analysis.
Well Done.
My Best,
February 25, 2016 at 3:58 pm #17377Maverick
I’m with Angel you shouldn’t be sorry for asking this question it was, on its face, valid. Perhaps with my rather breathy and broad post I made you feel a bit uneasy. If that is indeed the case please accept my apologies.
When it come to certain subjects, religion being one, I can become something of a firebrand. Particularly when it appears someone is about to or is posturing to pass judgement. Faith is a personal thing and I have seen WAY too many times those who practice their faith with entirely too much zeal. So much in fact they become predatory for the sake of dominion/power or proselytization. Using faith as a blunt instrument is a common event and one I do not stand by silently and watch as it passes by.
You have an absolute right to your faith whatever it is and I’m sure its quite different than my own ( I think my faith is mine alone… entire congregation of one…..small house.).
As far as Sheri’s and your faith you’ll have to find you own way. However if you treat others with dignity and respect, especially these ladies who have a much more difficult task than most could even begin to know, you would pass muster under my plan.
Good luck with your journey in life and wherever it takes you.
Remember keep the wind to your back and sunshine on your face.
All the best,
Bret Maverick
February 11, 2016 at 2:57 pm #17133Maverick
ParticipantLeave it to Allissa to put it succinctly with more that a touch of grand acumen.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
January 26, 2016 at 12:43 pm #16942Maverick
Nice to see you chime in on the thread.
Not only do I believe these two exemplars have merit but intersect and have intersected in their mutual histories.
In Europe during the medieval era, when the Catholic Church owned vast tracks of lands, many of these real estate properties were leased out to brothels or prostitution houses. And it is told that some European bishops would go and collect the rentals from the prostitutes themselves. Should we think that being men of the cloth, or holy men, all that they did when they visited these brothels was simply to collect rentals due to the Church and nothing more?
Author Andrew McCall in his book “The Medieval Underworld” writes “St. Augustine himself said that if prostitution were to be suppressed, capricious lusts would then overthrow society; and this sentiment was reiterated in a latter period by Aquinas who wrote in his “Summa Theologica,” apropos of prostitution that if you were to take away the sewer, the whole palace would soon be filled with corruption. Prostitution was, in other words, a necessary evil.”
McCall writes further in his book that “disputes between religious foundations and lay powers over the revenue from bawdy-houses are no rarity, while in 1309, we find Bishop Johann of Strasbourg building, at his own expense, a magnificent new brothel in that city.”
Which leads me to the conclusion this hand wringing and bible thumping by the fire and brimstone crowd is at its core dissembling, and an act of obfuscation for the furtherance of other ways and means.
It appears at least in some form in certain times they played off one another and still do to this day. While one seemed to profit off one more than the other. Which makes one reflect about the morality of the profiteer in this scenario.
I think both of these activities are fine… long as they are not weaponized.
My Best To You,
Bret Maverick
January 25, 2016 at 4:55 pm #16913Maverick
ParticipantHey North,
Nice to see you again and thank you for the warm welcome. The chances of me being around much are quite slim. In the past few years (especially the last three) my life has changed in very big ways, for the good mostly. These changes do not afford me the time to mentor the neophytes as I have in many years past.Those days are long gone for me and bright horizons loom large for the future.
This subject matter and the overall corruption of faith was just too tempting for me not to address.
The Cafeteria Christians are just too much fun not to poke with a stick when the opportunity arises.
My Best To You,
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
January 25, 2016 at 4:28 pm #16909Maverick
ParticipantIs it okay for a person who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to visit Sheri’s Ranch or any other brothel and not sin?
Would he be judged even if he just talks but does not fornicate with the courtesan(s)?
Its been awhile since I’ve been here and I see your still a bit of the mixer as the folks across the pond would say…so let me take this by the numbers….in some ways quite literally.
Would he be judged even if he just talks but does not fornicate with the courtesan(s)?
Mary of Magdala, better known as Mary Magdalene, traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. She is said to have witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Within the four gospels she is named at least 12 times more than most of the apostles. She developed a reputation in Western Christianity as being a repentant prostitute or loose woman even though this is not supported by the canonical gospels. She is considered to be a saint by the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches—with a feast day of July 22, other Protestant churches honor her as a heroine of the faith.
If the following is assumed to be true and following a lucid, cogent, thoughtful and rationale thinking process at the very least talking to any of the ladies would not be a sin. In fact it would be very Christian in nature. As the natural definition of a Christian is being Christ like. As Jesus had purported to have at the very least spoken to Mary without limit.
However the evangelicals may have a problem with your polyester cotton shirt….This is one issue I have not seen them jump up and down on yet but the next one with the loosest screw is bound to bring this forth. They are typically too busy trying to foment fear in their endless quest for power and control. This is why I have found the most devout followers of any faith the ones that quietly, and many times in a state of denial, find the principals of their chosen faith(s)highly negotiable.
Leviticus 19:19
19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed:
neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee.
You see they are too busy playing God instead of heeding the word.
Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
The power mongers would much rather divert the attention of the masses to the issues of others so they might be spared a through examination and lose their own standing…either real or feigned.
If we are all God’s children I find it appropriate to follow the same rules I learned in kindergarten (rules made by man).
1. Share everything.
2. Play fair.
3. Don’t hit people.
4. Put things back where you found them.
6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
7. Say you’re SORRY when you HURT somebody.
8. Wash your hands before you eat.
9. Flush.
10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
11. Live a balanced life – learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.
12. Take a nap every afternoon.
13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
15. Goldfish and hamster and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup – they all die. So do we.
16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned – the biggest word of all – LOOK.”“It doesn’t matter what you say you believe – it only matters what you do.”
This is where the faithful are lost sheep and need help from the Shepard.
If we are all God’s children our heavenly father, as our mortal father, would expect us to care for one another and leave certain issues to the higher powers.
My Best,
Bret Maverick
September 8, 2014 at 2:37 pm #10582Maverick
Participant(If you drive yourself she splits 50/50 with the house. With the limo, I believe she splits her half with the driver so it’s now 50 house/25 driver/25 courtesan)
As I understand it the calculus goes like this, assuming a $1000.00 party.
$1000.00 – 30% = $700.00 ( this is the transport cut, which comes off of the top before the split.)
$700.00 – 50% = $350.00 ( House Split)
$350.00 leaving this residual amount for your lady of desire.
With a Vegas cab/limo service, say from the airport, you would negotiate a rate and pay on your own, to go back and forth to Pahrump. That’s about 3hrs of drive time plus waiting for you while you party inside, so as you can imagine that would be pretty pricey. (I would guess several hundred dollars…which is why most have recommended the much cheaper 1-2day car rental option)
I don’t find this credible either. Be it the house limo or any form of compensated transport the 30% cut still applies. This has been a time honored tradition in LPIN for decades, courtesy of the grandfather of LPIN Joe Conforte’, more on this later.
There is a difference between the Sheris Limo (which is hired by the ranch to pick up customers) and any of the many public limo and cab services that work out of Las Vegas.
The limo service is not hired by the ranch….these are ranch limos and the drivers are on the ranch payroll.
YBG is right there are some folks that love the limo option. I have advised many a whale about the limo artifice and some just don’t care they willfully pay the differential. Its a matter of affordability and the experience you desire.
In my opinion, the limo service company is unfair. The limo driver(s) is supposed to charge the exact amount of money to the customer(s) he drives from the LAS Airport or another place to Sheri’s Ranch
Well you can thank Joe Conforte’ for this paradigm.
This is Joe with his wife Sally Burgess.
Before Joe met Sally and entered LPIN, Joe was a cab driver, in the San Francisco area I believe. This metric was used by businesses in his time as a cabbie to induce and motivate cabbies to bring tourists to their establishments. So guess what Joe did to get business for the Mustang?? He was kind of a mover and shaker.
As the story goes Joe fled the US for Rio in Brazil where he still resides. In recent years I have had some lateral contact with him but it been over a year since I’ve heard anything. He is in his eighties now, at last pass he had a young girlfriend and was living the good life.
So guys its either rent the car or prepare to pay the premium not too many ways around it.
My Best,
September 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #10537Maverick
Participant@maverick, Thanks for the visuals! I believe 160 is a divided highway with signals or controlled access within the Metro Area now.
Shy, Yes closer to Vegas 160 is a divided highway. When you get further away from Vegas the division disappears.
Thanks for the pictures or visuals, Maverick.
Now, I feel more comfortable driving from LAS Airport to Sheri’s Ranch because I can recognize some areas I will drive.
My Pleasure Rewith…I was you once!!! I understand from where your at this was potentially a big confidence builder.
I would like to see pictures of the LAS Airport and when you leave there as well.
Well if your headed to the consolidated car rental facility (McCarran Rent-A-Car Center) it won’t be of much use. At McCarran International Airport just outside from baggage pick-up you will find and board shuttle buses that will transport you to the consolidated facility located at 7135 Gilespie Street.
This facility is just a few blocks from the strip. Drive out of the garage onto Warm Springs to the strip turn left onto Las Vegas Blvd. The first major intersection is LVB and 160 turn right and head out approximately 1 hour out of LV.
Your first time its nerve wracking but its truly a cake drive….nice too… if you appreciate the mountainous regions.
If a newbie like me gets lost on the road, can he or she call someone from Sheri’s Ranch and ask for help or more clear directions to the brothel?
Not sure but I’m sure they would be accommodating as possible. Better to stop by a convenience store or gas station and ask for directions to Pahrump via SR160. Just stay on the straight and narrow and you will be fine.
Dude, I can tell as a neophyte you have a serious case of nerves. Look I remember my first trip to Pahrump I had visions of Deliverance….. dueling banjos and all. I was doing as I think you are doing now…making too much of it. Relax, breathe in and out slowly, open yourself up and be receptive to a new experience. This is a time for personal growth ( above the belt….the rest comes later after you get to Pahrump.). Nobody I know or advised in the many years I have done this has not made it out there. Chill my young apprentice!!!
Wow @maverick! Those photos wonderfully illustrate the trip to Sheri’s Ranch.
Thanks Jeremy!! Hope all is well with you!
Carpe Diem all.
My Best,
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by