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  • #15426

    First, I’m positive whatever you have in mind can happen, so no worries. From what I understand, Sheri’s can accommodate anything role-play-wise from cosplay to elaborate scenarios in a fantasy setting with every word and action scripted beforehand. The only limits being your imagination and bank account! Lots of the ladies’ profiles indicate Role Playing as an option. Think you’re in good shape there.

    As far as the ladies being “ready”, have no doubt, they’re ready to take you on at a moment’s notice. I haven’t met all of them by any means, but I was impressed with every woman I talked to over the two days I was there. The ten or so I met were all very sharp, creative, intelligent, and eager to please. My point being, I think it would be possible for you to make this happen even if you just popped in off the street and presented it to whoever interested you.

    But I get it, you want some reassurance this will happen with who you want before you commit to making the trip, lining it up in advance so you can walk in with everyone on board and no worries. Even though to me that seems like it should be easy, it’s really complicated. Their appointment schedules are different every day, and may change at a moment’s notice depending on walk-ins, etc. You’ve already experienced the let down of a first choice not being available when you arrived. And too much pre-party planning too far in advance could set you up for the same outcome.

    So no, I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t figure out who’ll be there during your visit and then contact one that interests you with your idea. If your idea is acceptable, that may be as far as she can go with the plan though. What if the ladies she recommends to complete the threesome are ones you have no interest in? On the other hand, let’s say one she recommends is one whose pictures you like. The issues then are: Knowing if that second lady will be there during your visit, and, if she will be available when you want your party to happen. Also, do you have chemistry with lady number 2? Pictures are one thing, face to face another.

    Complicated, right? The only way I can see to avoid a letdown is to make firm appointments with both ladies. And to do that, it would likely be best to make the appointments only a few days before your arrival. But if you fail to show? …damn… One lady scorned is a very bad thing. Two?? You’d best leave the country.

    All this being said, it might be a good idea to contact Sheri’s Madam, Dena, and run this all by her. I’m sure she’d have some great advice and help you coordinate the plan.

    Sounds fun!


    Hi JonKnowsNothing, thought I’d give you a welcome and a reply since I went through these exact thoughts recently. Many here on the forum helped me, so I will pay it forward. One suggestion I might offer is that many of the same questions have been asked before, as I did, and just a little time spent researching the forum might save you from posting questions previously addressed.

    Question 1: Feel free to contact as many ladies that interest you. Check their schedules before emailing to make sure they’re actually at Sheri’s before you attempt contact. If they aren’t, you may mistakenly assume they’re blowing you off when you receive no reply. Truth is, they can only respond to emails when they’re actually on site.

    With a threesome in mind, I’d suggest you choose one of the two and contact her with the idea of a threesome. Ask her if the other lady you’re interested is someone she might consider for your tryst. But given you’re thinking about a visit in a “couple months”, timing is everything. The ladies’ schedules may change, your schedule or fantasy may change, the ladies’ relationships with other Courtesans within Sheri’s may change, etc.

    Question 2: You may find it difficult to discuss the “nitty gritty” of a party via email. Try to understand that even though the ladies at Sheri’s want to bring all your fantasies to life, emailing about them is virtual. Until you’re right there in front of them ready to get on that fantasy horse and ride it into orgasmic oblivion, they really won’t be able to invest too much time writing about it.

    Also, be sure and spend some time perusing each ladies’ profile. If there are certain fetishes you want served, their profiles indicate what they’re into.

    Question 3: Again, you kinda need to be there for this one. It’s easy though… When you get there, just talk to your main interest about who you’re thinking about adding to the party. She’ll either be acceptable to the idea and make it happen or will suggest others to consider. And then the fun will really begin, because you’re there and can meet them, rather than trying to establish a connection through the Internet!

    Final thoughts: I’d suggest keeping the email count low. Make enough contact to find out if you have a rapport, and then just get there and make it happen. Keep it simple, don’t over-think it. I did, and I shouldn’t have.

    Best of Luck! Good Times Ahead!

    P.S. Check out the amazingly brilliant and beautiful Tatyana’s blog post about threesome planning here:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Gryphon.

    I have to jump in here again…to clarify my previous post and add a little to the discussion. I apologize if I’m long-winded…but sometimes that’s how I roll! LOL!

    On my “Truth in Advertising” comment: I meant just that. Sheri’s ladies’ are independent contractors, and if one uses Photoshop to hide her tattoos, it seems she may be setting herself up for a potential business loss if a client discovers her art at first meeting and is not a fan. Why take that risk? That seems counter-productive to closing deals, right?

    And I don’t understand what message is being conveyed by hiding art in profiles? I don’t like my art, or, I feel bad about my art? My art is personal, so I don’t want to show my art? Someone may recognize me here at Sheri’s if they see my art? From the responses here, some have their own preference and disposition on whether art is a turn-on or turn-off. For some it’s a definite selective factor. So why throw a potential deal-breaker into the mix by hiding it? Not being critical, just trying to understand.

    To be fair, it’s not all up to the ladies for full disclosure. I get that there may be legitimate reasons to employ Photoshop to hide art. If tattoos are an issue for someone planning a visit, it’s in their best interest to contact the ladies they may be interested in beforehand and ask if there’s any hidden art. I doubt any of the ladies would answer dishonestly.

    I’m especially glad to see Perla in this discussion. I had the absolute pleasure of discussing tattoos with Perla, (amongst other “high-flying” things, eh Perla?… wink-wink!), last Monday evening in the bar. When perusing Perla’s profile before my visit, I took notice of her extensive body art. Admittedly, I was initially intimidated by all the art, but not turned off. I could tell the majority of her art was intricate, colorful, and well done, and that meant she invested a lot of money, pain, and time into painting her body. I accepted it as one of her passions.

    But one of her tattoos appeared, well, kinda odd when taken in context with the rest of her art. So as a result of that, it was a topic I could ask her about when getting to know her. Turns out we had a good laugh over it. It’s one she’s outgrown and is in the process of having removed. But she isn’t hiding it in her pictures and I respect her for that. The conversation was delightful and one of the highlights of my visit. Had I not talked to her about that particular tattoo, or had I looked at all her art and thought this lady is just not for me and therefore why bother with her, I would have never experienced how incredibly charming she is.

    I talked to as many women as I could at Sheri’s. I found all the women fascinating, and each one on their own merit. Some have art, some don’t. Body art or not, it’s only a small fraction of whom she is. Just my two cents, but to deny a beautiful woman a chance of making a connection because she has art seems unfair to both parties. How do you know you might just have the best sexual experience of your life with a woman covered in tattoos? Life is cruelly short, don’t let tattoos stand in your way!

    Final thought: Maybe next time any of us are at Sheri’s hoping to find that one special lady for the ultimate experience, let’s imagine we’re all art blind. We may be surprised whose arms and legs we ultimately find ourselves entwined.


    Good point Flint, I’d have to agree. “Truth in Advertising”?


    Flint? You okay? I’m not sure if you’re enthusiastically raising your hand in class so the teacher will call on you, or whether you’re laughing at my last “Z” comment sarcastically.

    Assuming the latter, yeah, I know, a Zeppelin is likely a bit of a stretch for comparison’s sake, but a guy can dream, can’t he??

    So… have I shown you my award for World’s Smallest Dirigible?


    Perfect timing YB_Goode! Simultaneous posts! Great minds think alike! LOL

    I will surely pass along to her your regards, and I may even pass along the hint to her about your crush… wait, make that POSSIBLE crush! :^)

    Thanks again!




    “Mailwoman”… Hahaha! That’s hilarious firefighter! Thanks for the laugh and for kindly letting me off the hook and ladder. :^D

    Allissa: Well Hey, you! And you will be there too?! How awesome is that?? I hadn’t even thought to check which of you lovely ladies will be at the ranch Tuesday before I leave. So that means you’ll likely be around the ranch before Tuesday but not working? Looking forward to meeting you soon!

    Let’s see… now that I’ve checked, I see you’re not only going to be there, but other ladies I had hoped to meet will be as well. This just keeps getting more exciting by the second! Only 24 more hours and I’ll be hitting the trail Sheri’s way. Woo Hoo!!!

    … Uh-oh, this situation is starting to remind me of the Eagles’ song Hotel California… “ You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave! ” …


    I’ve got one more to add…

    I’m going on a trip to Sheri’s and I’m bringing my Zeppelin, which I intend to fly into Amber Lynn’s erogenous Zone and hope it explodes!


    Awwww Man!!!

    JUST realized… it’s Not fireman

    I meant firefighter !!! So sorry.

    Great… join the forum, start a conversation, insult the moderator.



    Flint, I don’t know if I’ll have one party or two. I ‘spose that might be possible…provided I survive my first! Guess it depends on factors that won’t be revealed until after I get there and meet Amber Lynn. If we hit it off really well, I can see Amber Lynn being the only one I party with, whether it’s one party or more. Will I be in the mood for a two girl party? Honestly I don’t know, it’s difficult to predict.

    You have me thinking, though…especially your last comment about the possibility Amber Lynn becomes unavailable for some reason.

    Hey BadDog! Get down, bad! Quit humpin’ that Courtesan’s leg! …haha, j/k…I checked the line-up for my days at Sheri’s. I just recently created my Twitter account and am still learning how to use it. I found fireman’s contact list, thanks for the tips!

    I set up my Twitter account to accept messages from anyone so some of my long lost buddies might pop out of the woodwork. But I wonder if Sheri’s ladies’ Twitter accounts are set up the same way. It would seem they’d likely have to weed through a ton of BS messages from Vegas drunks, including rude messages from prudes & A-holes from anywhere, to get to the real ones. Maybe I have to send a “Follow” request or something. I’m still figuring it out.

    What was that old commercial slogan? It was “Betcha can’t eat just one” from Lay’s potato chips! Man, the company name and slogan sure fits!

    techieguy80: Again, really not too sure about more than one party. Since one party is a guarantee and I’m unsure of the rest, I think your “wait and visit…in the bar” advice makes good sense. I believe fireman also recommended something like “keep your plans loose your first visit” in his Newbie Guide.

    Thanks again for the input! Please keep it coming.


    Since it’s been more than three years since my last carnal experience, I’d have to say Tombstone or Dry Bones applies pretty well. Although if you were to ask my penis, and please feel free to do so, he’d say The Jerk!

    And this is why I’m headed to Sheri’s next weekend, and after that I should be able to change my sex life’s movie title to The Year We Make Contact.


    I am going on a trip to Sheri’s and I am bringing lots of X-rated fantasies!

    There’s only two more to go, let’s finish the game!


    They’d call me… Hans Starmont!

    Sounds like I’d be hitting the stage wearing lederhosen holding a bier stein and yodeling.


    Thanks for the replies! Appreciate the thumbs-up kane. Fun and lots of laughter with the incredibly sexy Amber Lynn is exactly what I’m hoping for. Sure hope we hit it off when we meet.

    So Flint, you’d suggest going ahead and contacting some more of the ladies in addition to Amber Lynn before I get there?

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