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Tech Savvy Prostitutes use Social Media [VIDEO]

Sheri’s Ranch is the unofficial brothel of the CES trade show for many reasons, including the legal bordello’s close proximity to Las Vegas and its abundance of technologically savvy courtesans. Re/code, the respected independent tech news resource, published a story about the social media skills of Sheri’s licensed prostitutes detailing how these ladies use microblogging platforms like Twitter to promote their salacious services and stay in touch with their clients.

Social media comes naturally to the women who ply their trade at Sheri’s Ranch. After all, two thirds of the courtesans working at the bordello are millennials, “digital natives” who have adopted social and mobile technology from a very early age. This fact caught the attention of Cleo Stiller-Farrell, a producer for the millennial-centric Fusion TV channel. Stiller-Farrell stopped by the bawdy house to interview madam Dena, and learn the basics of social media marketing, hooker-style, from courtesans Destini and Allissa.

Watch the below clip from Fusion’s Alicia Menendez Tonight, and follow the ladies of Sheri’s Ranch on Twitter!


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