Forum Replies Created
January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am #16646
ParticipantHello S.T.
First off I want to say I totally understand your situation and concerns. I was 58 when I gave up my virginity at Sheri’s and, like you, I was shy in high school & college & didn’t date. As I’m sure you can imagine the insecurities that you are feeling now at 25 were only magnified for me at 58.
The ladies at Sheri’s are amazing. The is no reason to think that you will find anything other that ladies who are understanding of your situation and excited to assist you in starting a new phase of your life. Don’t let you age, color, ethnicity or physical appearance deter you, as long as you treat the ladies with respect, which from reading your post I’m sure you would do, you will always find numerous courtesans who will desire to spend time with you.
To answer some of your specific questions: Sheri’s is an extreme safe place to enjoy yourself. There are security people on site to make sure that both employees & customers never have to worry about their safety. As far as you concerns on medical safety, all of the courtesans are tested for venereal diseases on an weekly basis & there has never been a case of a customer catching any disease at any legal brothel in Nevada.
To find out which ladies cater to virgins, click on “ladies” in the pull-down menu & then click on the arrow next to “quick search a lady by name”. This will bring you to a screen where you can put in some tentative dates & then click on “by what she caters to” & mark virgins. This will give you an idea of some of the wonderful ladies who love to party with virgins.
To talk with the ladies, just go into the bar & you can have short conversations with numerous ladies until you find someone you are comfortable with. You don’t have to drink in the bar & although many of the ladies do drink not all of them do. I don’t think you have to worry about partying with a lady who has had more to drink than you are comfortable with.
Over the last 5 years I have had many parties at Sheri’s and I have never had a party where the lady hasn’t asked me about what type of music I’d like in the background while we enjoy each other’s company.
Kissing is something that each lady decides for herself & you should bring up the concept with any lady you are considering having a party with.
Will you have an amazing experience? I think every person on this board will agree that there isn’t a single person at Sheri’s from Madame Dena, to the courtesans to the support staff to the other customers who not only hope every experience you have at Sheri’s is amazing but will do everything thing that they can to make your experience unforgettable.
If I have one piece of advise for someone in your situation, if you have the time plan to spend the night in Sheri’s hotel & then arrive early in the afternoon. This way you have plenty of time to just relax, hang out in the bar or on the property & get acquainted with whichever ladies happen to be in attendance. If you are able to do this I guarantee you will meet multiple ladies whom you feel a connection with who would be very interested in relieving you of your of your virginity & then you can make a choice and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
I know I didn’t answer all of your question but hopefully I’ve been of some help & I’m sure the ladies will answer any questions that I’ve missed.
Just put some money together, choose a date and go for it…you won’t regret it.
August 15, 2015 at 9:01 am #15377Keolts
ParticipantBreakfast service begins at 9 am
March 2, 2015 at 10:16 pm #13331Keolts
ParticipantHello Spades. Your final set of questions are extremely easy to answer. First I have never heard of any lady at Sheri’s who would refuse a party because you are a virgin but I suggest that you look at the profiles of ladies who are scheduled to be at the Ranch when you plan to be there and find out which ladies cater to parties with virgins (and trust me there are a number of them.) Also, definitely mention the fact you are a virgin to every lady who you meet in the bar, I think you’ll be very happily surprised by their reactions. This is something that in hinesight I really wish I had done when I gave up my V-card at the Ranch at age 58.
March 2, 2015 at 1:54 pm #13324Keolts
ParticipantI’ve heard the story that the most expensive party at Sheri’s was when someone negotiated a one week long party with a lady.
January 7, 2015 at 4:27 pm #12374Keolts
ParticipantIn my opinion, it depends on how many ladies you’re talking about & what you want in the party. I’ve had some amazing parties with two ladies in a lady’s bedroom. The bungalows are great for parties with two or three ladies. However, if your party is going to be with more than three ladies, I definitely think you want the room provided in playland (however playland is also great for smaller parties.)
November 19, 2014 at 2:56 pm #11699Keolts
ParticipantFor me, it doesn’t matter whether someone is wearing lingerie, or a dress, or jeans & a t-shirt, or anything in-between, I like the ladies to look comfortable. I have been lucky enough to become acquainted with many ladies in my visits to Sheri’s and no matter what their personal fashion style is, they all seemed comfortable in what they were wearing and thus I found their outfits sexy.
November 14, 2014 at 9:28 pm #11618Keolts
ParticipantI’m going on a trip to Sheri’s Ranch, and I am bringing a stack of Hundred dollar bills
August 30, 2014 at 11:57 am #10352Keolts
ParticipantYou look great in all of the photos Destini but I especially like the one by the Bay
August 21, 2014 at 11:50 pm #9962Keolts
ParticipantHaving made the drive numerous times, I can tell you the road between Baker and Shoshone is a basically straight, 2 lane road. The speed limit for most of it is around 55 mph & the police do patrol it at times. Be warned, I find there is no cell phone service for most of the drive and if it is raining or has rained recently the road can be flooded in areas. On some occasions there is hardly any traffic on the road (I think I once went around 30 minutes without seeing another vehicle.) Once you get to the outskirts of Shoshone you will turn right and head to Pahrump. This part of the drive has more hills and curves but is still a 2 lane road. For the vast majority of the drive from Baker to Pahrump you’ll be driving in the open desert with with little sign of civilization. Personally, I enjoy the drive but, as some of my firends there at Sheri’s can attest to, I’m a little strange.
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July 20, 2014 at 9:40 pm #9176Keolts
ParticipantI’ve been encouraged to join the forum so I thought this would be a good place for my initial post. In my mind I’ve had two “first visits” at Sheri’s. My actual first time to Parhump, I drove out from Vegas and didn’t start getting nervous until I was driving down Homestead Road. For some reason that part of the drive seemed to go on forever. When I arrived I remember noticing details like the fact that the artwork on the building were copies of pieces by the artist whose work I collect. I finally made it into the bar and a few ladies introduced themselves. I was nervous enough that don’t remember the specifics of the conversations with most of the ladies but I really enjoyed the company of one lady, got my nerve up, went on the tour and then went to her room. I had a wonderful party but as I was driving back to Vegas I realized that I had actually connected better with the lady in the bar that I did in the bedroom. What I think of when I think of my first visit was on my 60th birthday. I drove out from LA and arrived about 10:30 on a Sunday morning. Needless to say the bar was empty except for the hostess who told me she’d let the ladies know I was there. As I sat there I realized how nervous I was because unlike the previous time when there were a number of people in the bar, this time ladies would be coming out just to meet me. The first person who introduced herself was Destini and she apologized for not looking her best (and as anyone who has meet her knows she always looks gorgeous) but she had just gotten out of the shower so her hair was damp & she had on no make-up. We spoke for a while and then she excused herself to finish dressing but told me she would be back in a while. I spoke with a few other amazing ladies but quickly realized I was just waiting for Destini to reappear. After what seemed to me to be hours but in reality was probably 15 to 20 minutes Destini returned and I quickly let her know I wanted to spend my birthday in her company. When I finally left later in the day I had had the best birthday party of my life.
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