(800) 506-3565 media@sherisranch.com


  • Fair enough Dena, probably not cool on my part to mention a competitive house. I apologize.

    But disrespectful?! No. I beg to differ there. I have nothing but respect for the women (and staff) that work there. I admire them for many reasons, including the incredibly positive work they do for their clients, and that they use this business to…[Read more]

  • The admin should update the schedule to be more accurate and avoid confusion and frustration.


  • Yes, to anyone looking/asking; based on Char’s twitter and website (ladychar.com) she is currently at the Chicken Ranch. Best to contact her through one of those avenues.

    The admin should update the schedule to be more accurate and avoid confusion and frustration.


  • YB_Goode replied to the topic in the forum YB_Goode 9 years ago

    I MISS CHAR!!!
    Not sure of the circumstances here, but I wish her all the best in whatever comes her way. She is pure class. A true and beautiful woman in every sense. The ranch won’t be the same without her.

    Take great care of yourself TIBA!


  • Allissa! I know this is way late…but, Yeah. There is most definitely a chance. 😉

  • As for a rest stop. Ummm, well if you can’t make it the hour or so out there, then pull over and find a bush to water! It’s mostly sand and brush along the way, so you won’t hurt anything. You might have to search a bit for a bit of cover from passersby in order to avoid any indecent exposure, but otherwise I say the Nevada desert IS your rest…[Read more]

  • Hey Jeffery,

    I can certainly understand how it would feel awkward, but I can assure you this wouldn’t be the first or last time it has happened.
    When I last visited (March, I think), as I waited to check into my room, there was a large group (~10 or so) occupying all of the center tables, eating and drinking. It’s not uncommon for groups of men…[Read more]

  • Oh wow, that’s very cool!! Gryph, I appreciate the shout out, and it’s nice to know my advice might help someone out. Should you indeed choose to “not be a dick”, then I will have also done a favor for the ladies you choose to party with. A win-win!! LOL

    It sounds like you’re in for an adventure. I’m jealous!…especially if you end up spending…[Read more]

  • The last I remember, I think the min was $300. (I think that’s OK to say) As you might imagine that would get you the very minimum in terms of activity. Other than that it’s all over the map, and depends on all kinds of variables. Even if I told you what I had spent an a particular occasion, it probably wouldn’t apply to your situation. There is,…[Read more]

  • No worries, Jalrey, if you are respectful and a gentleman, any word that gets around will be the good kind. The women aren’t “watching” really, but they are observant and great many have developed a keen sense about the clients who come in. They are professionals, and totally understand not every lady fits what you might be into. I’m just advising…[Read more]

  • Whoa, Jalrey!! Are you trying to get laid, or conducting an extensive job interview?! I mean, why stop at drinks?…Why not ask for qualifications, references, and credit histories while you’re at it?!
    OK I’m kidding around a bit, but you get my point, right? Just relax a tiny bit, and let things work themselves out. I would suggest, sitting at…[Read more]

  • Whoa, Jalrey!! Are you trying to get laid, or conducting an extensive job interview?! I mean, why stop at drinks?…Why not ask for qualifications, references, and credit histories while you’re at it?!
    OK I’m kidding around a bit, but you get my point, right? Just relax a tiny bit, and let things work themselves out. I would suggest, sitting at…[Read more]

  • Mr Gorilla,

    Yeah, unfortunately I don’t think $250 is even the house minimum at Sheris…and even if it was, you’re right it wouldn’t get you far.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but hearing it here first is probably better than getting walked after making the trip out there.

    Best of luck my man


  • Hi Jalrey,

    The written request thing is OK, but as your friend mentioned, if presented in the wrong way could come off like a list of chores.
    You might consider trying to build a little email communication (or even just a little discussion in the bar or as part of the negotiations in the room) with your intended courtesan prior to your arrival,…[Read more]

  • TNT,
    To answer part of your question: No, I don’t think that they would let you know if for some reason your appointment was cancelled. A) I think that would just be too much work for them to keep track of, and B) I’ve never given a Ph# or email, just my name, when making an appointment…for discretion’s sake I’d guess. Perhaps if you requested…[Read more]

  • YB_Goode replied to the topic Hello in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 10 years ago


    Shy is a state of mind, not a terminal condition! I don’t mean to minimize your feelings, but my point is that you can move past those inhibitions, and Sheri’s is a great place to do that!

    The ranch is populated by dozens of the most beautiful women imaginable, which can be intimidating, but there are also people from all walks of life…[Read more]

  • This info is mostly correct, however there are a couple of misconceptions that may change how you approach things…

    The split of the party proceeds is definitely different, rather than the normal 50/50, when the limo is used. That cut goes towards covering the cost of the limo service, but does NOT go to the pockets of the drivers themselves.…[Read more]

  • John Doe – I understand your concern, but there is just no realistic way to quote you a price ahead of time. (Don’t forget it’s also illegal for them to do so) It also wouldn’t be accurate for me, or anyone else, to tell you what we have spent…every patron, courtesan, party parameters and situation is different. Please don’t assume that the…[Read more]

  • Keep in mind those taxi fare estimates also don’t account for the wait-time while you’re partying.
    And as far as hiring a limo/town car driver, that’s probably looking at 3hrs, at the very least…again, probably in the $200-300 range.

    If you can’t drive yourself, then maybe you can share the trip out with a friend who’s willing to be your wing…[Read more]

  • Hey CT couple,
    I’ve seen/heard that with a little communication and planning, there’s a lot that can be done at Sheri’s. Add in a little imagination and I think you could get pretty damn close to making this scenario happen for your wife.
    As Firefighter pointed out there are some legal statutes, and some house rules, to navigate so the best…[Read more]

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