Helexan started the topic House next door getting new owner in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 7 years ago
With the RJ reporting Dennis Hof buying into the house next door, what do you think that will mean for Sheri’s?
Helexan replied to the topic appointment question in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 8 years ago
If the lady you are interested in has a Twitter account I also suggest reaching out to them that way. Just send a direct message. They can monitor them while away from the ranch but last I heard they can not monitor their email. They sometimes will have appointments that the office does not know of yet. I have personally had this happen before.…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Newb question: Personal information in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
It never bothered me giving a thumb print. It’s not that hard to make a fake drivers license to match a stolen credit card. If someone did steal my card and I disputed the charge it’s a quick easy way for me to prove it wasn’t me. It also makes it easy for Sheri’s to prove I was present if I later try to dispute the charges. Once they prove I…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Signature Question… in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
Thank you @TheVegasAaron
Helexan started the topic Other things you wish you could do onsite in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Who else wishes there was another place to hang out in besides the bar? Something like a lounge you find at the airports, hotels, or even some truck stops. Make it so if you are a hotel guest or buy a pass maybe you can relax in it and just read or watch tv. You could even make it non-smoking. It would be a nice comfortable place to relax in…[Read more]
Helexan started the topic Other things you wish you could do onsite in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Who else wishes there was another place to hang out in besides the bar? Something like a lounge you find at the airports, hotels, or even some truck stops. Make it so if you are a hotel guest or buy a pass maybe you can relax in it and just read or watch tv. You could even make it non-smoking. It would be a nice comfortable place to relax in…[Read more]
Helexan started the topic Other things you wish you could do onsite in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Who else wishes there was another place to hang out in besides the bar? Something like a lounge you find at the airports, hotels, or even some truck stops. Make it so if you are a hotel guest or buy a pass maybe you can relax in it and just read or watch tv. You could even make it non-smoking. It would be a nice comfortable place to relax in…[Read more]
Helexan started the topic Other things you wish you could do onsite in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Who else wishes there was another place to hang out in besides the bar? Something like a lounge you find at the airports, hotels, or even some truck stops. Make so if you are a hotel guest or buy a pass maybe you can relax in and just read or watch tv. You could make it non-smoking. It would be a nice comfortable place to relax in between…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Mondays in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The only issue really with Monday’s are some ladies leave early in the morning (1am or 2am) and those who are arriving for the week need to wait for test results so they aren’t available until Tuesday. Your best bet is to check the schedules and see who is available Sunday thru Tuesday to get an idea of who is actually going to be available Monday…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Ultimate sex vacation in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The open bar is for only during the party at one of the bungalows and dinner is served at the bungalow at the beginning or end of the party. I have also heard that you can get the dinner in the bar afterward but I can not confirm that. The open bar and dinner is standard offering with any bungalow party. It is my understanding that the voucher…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Questions From a newb. in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The other thing is make sure to send the appointment request to both the lady herself and the house. I have heard of times when the lady will get an appointment at one time and the house get a different appointment at the same time.
Helexan replied to the topic Questions From a newb. in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
If it shows she arrives on the 23 she will actually be there in the morning of the 22 if not late on the 21. I would check if she has a Twitter account because sometimes you can contact them that way. If you find someone that catches your eye go ahead and set something up. Worst case is yes you both lose a little time and it won’t be the last…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Max number of ladies in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The ladies only have to wait for results between the first test and results. If they are there for longer then a week I believe they are required to have have some of the tests rerun but while those tests results are pending they are allowed to continue seeing people. Since some ladies are always coming and going someone is almost always…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Max number of ladies in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The maximum number of ladies on the floor (available) is 25 by the license Sheri’s Ranch holds. More the 25 and the license fee goes sky high. There can be more on premise but not working. The ladies start departing and arriving Sunday evening normally. Every once in a while someone will arrive midweek. As rooms become avaliable by those leaving…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Longest span of time in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
I have gone to the bar and just hung out for a couple hours and not had a party. It is rare because it is still an hour plus drive. Honestly it depends on the night, how you are acting, and if you are a hotel guest. If it’s a slow night and you are just hanging out its not normally a issue. Even on a busy night as long as there is room in the bar…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Retired courtesans in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
Although this is a old thread I want to throw my two cents in.
I’m going to split the middle here. I agree with Angel the inactive ladies are great for marketing plus you never know when they may come back, however I will agree with Hellhound that you shouldn’t be able to make an appointment with a non-scheduled lady. Honestly it’s somewhere…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Is their a list of girls that do couples so my Wife and I can brows pics? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Here is page two of the list from Angle’s list. It should be noted that although this is a complete list, it does have inactive ladies listed.
Kitty Cat
Lacy Love
Mandi Love
Mia Cummings
Michelle Lai
Monroe Rivers
Myssi Jane
Natalia Diaz
Paige Elise
Red Diamonds
Helexan replied to the topic Shortest girl in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Although I didn’t have the pleasure of partying with Ivy I did get to spend some time with her talking in the bar the day after the Christmas party while waiting for an appointment. I had a wonderful time talking to her and a couple other ladies. She has a great personality and I could tell she would be wonderful to party with. If I had not had a…[Read more]
Helexan replied to the topic Holiday plans? in the forum General Discussion and Flirtations 9 years ago
Volunteering with a local charity that needs people on call 24 hours a day to respond to issues. Since my ex has the little one and I am on vacation from work I took the Christmas Eve day thru Monday morning shifts.
Helexan replied to the topic questions from a newbie in the forum Newbie's Questions and Answers 9 years ago
The one thing I forgot to mention is that they are very strict about no electronics in the bar with all patrons, not the ladies. This policy is for everyone’s protection as they don’t want to risk pictures being taken. On more then one occasion I have seen people asked to step outside to just answer their phone or even look at them. Doesn’t…[Read more]
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